. . . makes me happy. That's all I have to say.

Okay, not really. I love the bright colors. I love all the layers. I love the messiness of it. I love that it just came together.
I have two visual journals that I'm working in . . . turns out that the reason I kept ending up with mud is that one must wait for the paint to dry before adding another layer. Imagine that.
Sooooo . . . while I wait for something to dry in one journal, I work on something in the other journal. This particular page is in my
Aquabee Super Deluxe Sketchbook. (The other journal is an old encyclopedia.)
I have lots of pages started . . . and work on them little by little . . . I am becoming brave.
Speaking of which. . . . there is an article in the May/Jun issue of
Somerset Studio all about Becoming Brave by
Erin Kenepp. It is an excellent article and she has a wonderful blog.
Back to the the page . . . the style is very much inspired by
Roben-Marie Smith. And I was able to do it by following the Workshop in . . . wanna guess? . . . Somerset Studio.
Really . . . this has been the best issue of Somerset Studio that I have seen in a long time. . .
Thanks for stopping by! May your day be Happy!