I love the color red . . . the accent wall in our bedroom is red. I want to paint my kitchen a shade of red.
When I saw that Red was the topic for Creative Every Day, I was thrilled! I use red quite often when painting in my journal . . . so I flipped through to see what I might post. Oddly enough, I found two pages where I used red . . . and I recalled the emotions I was feeling when I painted them.
Here's one:

When I was painting this page I was in a grand mood. I had lots of energy that day and remember that I felt as though "I was right where I was supposed to be."
And then . . .there's this page:

Ummmm . . . not in such a happy mood. Something had come up and I had a mix of emotions all at the same time. . . the deeper red signifies anger and frustration, the teal signifies sadness, and the jumbled letters signify confusion.
Even though this page evokes memories of a not so good day, I still love it. And I also recall how much better I felt after I painted it.
I do believe that my visual journal is becoming a perfect place for me to get things off my chest, good or bad . . . and I am enjoying the process more and more.
Thanks for stopping by today! May your day be a good red day!